This article is for local residents of Parksville, Qualicum, Nanaimo, Ladysmith who are looking for landscape design and maintenance in their area of Vancouver Island. Reading this article will help you with your decisions for your next landscape design for your beautiful Vancouver Island home.

Vancouver Island landscape style typically refers to a natural and rugged aesthetic that highlights the island’s natural beauty, including mountains, forests, and oceans.

This style often incorporates local materials, such as stone, wood, and plants, to create a rustic and timeless feel. It is characterized by a blend of simplicity, elegance, and a connection to nature. Nanaimo, Vancouver Island landscape design style is often influenced by the region’s unique climate and ecology, including its mild temperatures, abundant rainfall, and diverse flora and fauna.

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Native plants: One option is to plant native plants that naturally grow in the same region as the cedar trees. This can help create a cohesive and natural-looking landscape. Some examples of native plants that can complement cedar trees include ferns, wildflowers, and grasses.

  2. Stone and rock features: Cedar trees have a rugged and natural appearance, and incorporating stone and rock features into the landscape can enhance this look. Consider adding a rock garden, stone walkway, or a boulder grouping to complement the cedar trees.

  3. Evergreen shrubs: Evergreen shrubs such as junipers or boxwoods can provide year-round color and texture to a landscape with cedar trees. The dense foliage of these plants can also provide a nice contrast to the cedar’s rough bark.

  4. Ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses can add a lot of texture to a landscape and can provide a nice backdrop to cedar trees. They come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, and can be used to create a natural-looking border or to fill in empty spaces.

  5. Water features: Adding a water feature like a small pond, waterfall, or fountain can create a peaceful and serene environment around the cedar trees. The sound of flowing water can also help mask any nearby traffic or other noise.

  6. Gardens: Gardens with growing your own fruit and vegetables is a great solution as well for using your landscape. We help home owners plan for how best to design their outdoor gardens with raised garden beds, garden rows, and more.

Overall, these are the most common choices to help compliment your property to achieve your dreams of your beautiful landscape of your home.

Give us a call or message us and we will be happy to help and discuss how our services can help you achieve your dream landscape.